Lead Well...From Day One

The Reality of Being a Newer Principal

Navigating the Challenges of Confidence, Overwhelm, and Isolation

As a new principal, you’ve embarked on a journey filled with excitement, responsibility, and numerous challenges. To me, the principal job is the greatest in education, even with all of its demands, complexities, and the roller coaster of emotions one experiences in the role.

Research shows that first-year principals often struggle with:

  • Lower confidence due to limited tools or experience in formal leadership roles
  • Balancing instructional leadership with administrative tasks
  • Leading change and people while navigating school culture and politics
  • Loneliness, limited support, and the desire to build relationships and trust
  • Managing staff and addressing performance issues

As a result of the above challenges and others like student mental health and all of the changes happening in the world, increased stress and less job satisfaction have led to 11% of all principals leaving their jobs each year, and 35% within their first three years in the role. Principal turnover leads to higher teacher turnover, which ultimately damages school culture and lowers student achievement.

You don’t have to have the same, stressful experience and results that many principals go through, and you don’t have to find significant amounts of time to learn and address your challenges. Most importantly, you don’t have to do it alone!

I had a couple of coaches and mentors speak into my life early in my career, and my signature New Principal Pathfinder Program is here to provide the support, tools, and guidance you need to succeed, lead people well, and experience the joy, satisfaction, and results to be your best.

The Great News? My Signature
New Principal Pathfinder Program!

I developed my signature New Principal Pathfinder Program to help you avoid common pitfalls that can derail your leadership, and transform it to new heights so you experience the success, growth, joy, and impact you desire!

The New Principal Pathfinder Program is a comprehensive and personalized coaching and mentoring program tailored to your goals and that ensures you receive the support you need to overcome obstacles and succeed at this stage in your leadership journey.

With my expertise and the program’s comprehensive features, you’ll be well-equipped to lead your school with impact, inspire your staff and students, and create a lasting, positive change in your educational community. 

Join the New Principal Pathfinder Program and grow as both a person and leader! Review the key features and click the button below to schedule a time for us to connect and see if this program is the right fit for you!

New Principal Pathfinder Program Features

How will you benefit from the
New Principal Pathfinder Program?

Quick wins and accelerated growth and development!

Increased confidence and resilience to lead a healthy organization!

Enhanced leadership strategies, tools, and effectiveness!

An expanded professional network and partnership with an experienced coach and mentor!

Improved work-life balance, whether measured by time, stress, or overall well-being!

Greater impact on employee retention and student success!

What are your next steps?

Are you ready to unleash your potential and
achieve the results you desire?

here is the process we will follow:

Leadership Breakthrough Call

Click below to schedule a complimentary call to discuss your leadership and explore your goals!

We Craft Your Plan

We see if the New Principal Pathfinder Program makes sense, or craft a customized plan for you.

Lead With Greater Confidence

We get you signed up and scheduled, and implement a plan to bring you instant success and results!

A Better Way to Lead Starts Below...

To lead people well and have the impact you desire, you have two choices:

  1. Go it alone and hope that the right people, experiences, or tools come along and help you avoid the pitfalls that so many new principals experience. However, that leaves your success, happiness, and impact to chance. As an alternative, you could….
  2. Build your team with an expert guide who will come alongside you to support your goals and help you develop strategies and acquire the tools to accelerate your learning and transform your leadership and school community.

If you’re ready to unlock your full potential and build a firm foundation for leadership success, I invite you to choose option #2!

Click the button below, and take the first step toward your best leadership.

Questions? Click here to contact us.

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